Welcome to the "Forging Community" Blog Series

Welcome to Forging Community, an ongoing Balsa blog series that peers through the unique microscopic lens of Balsa Man to explore the nature of small communities, how they form, their design and their impact on the larger metropolis. You are encouraged to join the discussion by adding your own thoughts and ideas as post comments.

We start this series with a look back in time an artifact from the early days of Balsa Man. This was from first year the event was on the beach instead of some guy's backyard. It moved there after he almost caught his house on fire. It's hard to believe Balsa Man has such a rich and long history for such a small little guy—it's even harder to believe they only asked for 15¢!

First Balsa Man Flyer

Stay tuned to the Balsa Blog Forging Communities series for more artifacts of Balsa Man past and a look at how small creative communities form, grow, and support each other amongst the chaos and alienation of a large metropolis.